The bushes and trees were blowing in the wind. 灌木丛和树木在风中摇晃。
His long, uncovered hair flew back in the wind 他那露在外面的长发随风向后飞舞。
The leaves rustled in the wind 树叶在风中沙沙作响。
The latest straw in the wind is a pick-up in sales among the nation's retail giants. 最新的迹象是该国几家零售巨头的销售额有所上升。
She unbound her hair and let it flow loose in the wind 她把头发解开,让它随风飘动。
Blond strands of hair whipped in the wind. 缕缕金发在风中飘扬。
The leader of the Liberal Democrats accused the Prime Minister of whistling in the wind to raise Conservative party morale. 自由民主党领导人指责首相鼓舞保守党士气之举根本就是徒劳。
By the mid-1980s, change was in the wind again. 20世纪80年代中期,变革又呈山雨欲来之势。
A tuft of grass atop the wall sways right and left in the wind. 墙上一棵草,风吹两边倒。
On the vast fields, one sees nothing but the wheat billowing in the wind. 在辽阔的原野上,但见麦浪随风起伏。
The windows were rattling in the wind. 风吹窗户格格发响。
The doors and windows are rattling in the wind. 门窗被风刮得乒乓山响。
Coloured flags are fluttering in the wind.; Coloured banners spread in the wind. 彩旗迎风招展。
The branches of the trees are swaying in the wind. 树枝在风中来回晃悠。
The leaves are rustling in the wind. 风吹树叶簌簌响。
The ship's sails bellied in the wind. 船帆在风中鼓得大大的。
The hare could find no safety, a pack of jackals had it in the wind. 野兔无处逃生;一群豺狗在追踪它。
The press saw the event as a straw in the wind that augured the resumption of diplomatic relations between the two countries. 报界把这件事看作是两国之间即将恢复邦交的预兆。
The washing has dried in the wind. 洗的衣服飕干了。
Coloured flags were flapping in the wind. 彩旗在风中飘荡。
The sails swelled out in the wind. 船帆迎风鼓起。
The candle-light flickered in the wind. 烛光在风中摇曳。
The lantern swayed in the wind. 风吹得灯笼不停地晃荡。
The trees bowed in the wind. 树木在风中弯下了腰。
The grass waved in the wind. 草在风中起伏波动。
The blades of grass quivered in the wind. 草叶随风颤动。
The red flag flutters in the wind. 红旗在风中翻卷。
The red flags are flapping in the wind. 风卷红旗呼啦呼啦地响。